By Diana Kander, New York Times Bestselling Author and Speaker on Innovation Three years ago, I was coaching a successful company that was very confused about the failure of a recent product launch. When I was first hired, they told me they were convinced they had done everything…
Archive: July 2020
5 Leadership Keys to Communicate & Connect in a Crisis
By Colette Carlson, Author & Motivational Speaker on Human Behaviour and Communication Six years ago my car was in the middle of a five-car pileup. I distinctly remember the moments that followed as individuals emerged from their cars. No one appeared to be physically injured, although one…
Why are Stock Prices Going Up When the Economy is in Ruins? Here’s some context…
By Geoff Colvin It’s the question on every investor’s mind. Google “Why is the stock market going up?” and you get 2.8 billion answers. Yet many of them (we haven’t checked them all) ignore or minimize a significant factor. The once-a-century strangeness of this downturn has combined…
What I Learned as a Crisis Communicator
By Libby Gill This week’s Twitter hack got me thinking about my past career as head of public relations and communications for three major Hollywood studios. You might not think that my entertainment background would qualify me to talk about crisis communication, but you’d be…
8 Great Books on Personal Health
8 Great Books on Personal Health by our speaker at The Sweeney Agency Speakers Bureau. We’ve chosen our top eight books by our keynote speakers that discuss resilience, stress, management, happiness, leadership and sleep. All authors are available for live and virtual keynote presentations for your event or conference.
How To Go To Bed Tonight Feeling Happier (and Feeling Richer)
By Mark Thompson Seeing Steve Jobs‘s life slip away was breathtaking, but the lessons offered can be life changing. It struck me as strange that I’d never seen him happier more often than in his last decade, which arguably was his hardest health-wise and yet…
Is the Pandemic Making you Smarter?
Internationally renowned speaker on Change and best selling author Nick Tasler talks about how the pandemic may be making you smarter. Learn more about Nick Tasler’s dynamic virtual and live events by contacting The Sweeney Agency Speakers Bureau.
The Way I See It… Amid the Storm
by David Nour It’s early Sunday morning, and I’m writing Curve Benders, my next book set to release this fall. In chapter two, I’m writing about the fifteen forces…
Teamwork, the Key to High Performance and Success
Carey Lohrenz talks about Leadership & Teamwork in high pressure situations and how to get the most from your team to deliver bottom line results. Learn more about Carey Lohrenz’s live and virtual keynote presentations with The Sweeney Agency.
As the first female F-14 Tomcat Fighter Pilot in the U.S. Navy, having flown missions worldwide as a combat-mission-ready United States Navy pilot, Carey Lohrenz is used to working in fast-moving, dynamic environments, where inconsistent execution can generate catastrophic results. The same challenges are found in business: markets change, customer needs evolve and if you do not adapt quickly your company is at risk. Carey is a powerhouse in the field of delivering engaging leadership, high performing organizations and diversity training in her motivating and engaging keynote presentations. Her mastery of these fundamentals can help your team triumph in this high-risk, time-crunched world.
I Am Not Losing to Coronavirus
Top speaker Ryan Estis shares his 3 Top Tips for overcoming fear and adversity during Covid 19, and how you can make 2020 your best year ever. Ryan Estis is a top keynote speaker helping organizations nitiate change, improve performance and deliver growth. Learn more about Ryan Estis’ live & virtual keynote presentations via The Sweeney Agency Speakers Bureau.