Polly LaBarre, co-author of Mavericks at Work and a founding writer of Fast Company magazine, has worked for nearly 20 years to change the way leaders and their organizations think about working and winning. She has teamed up with Gary Hamel, one of the world’s most sought-after management experts, and wrote…
Who is the most expensive speaker you have ever booked?
Well, if I told you his name, they would probably kill me, but it’s an interesting story. A few years ago a client came to us looking for some speaker ideas that would help their Leadership team take their company to the next level. As the discussion progressed and different…
What’s the funniest speaker story you have ever heard?
Several years ago a speaker we work with, let’s call him Gary, was on his way back from spring break with his family, arriving at his home airport at noon on a Tuesday. He knew he had his first post-holiday speech on Thursday, so he took out his Day-Timer to…
How Long Is the Average Keynote Presentation?
Most speakers deliver presentations that are 60-90 minutes long and are fairly flexible if the agenda changes on the event day and they need to add or deduct 10-15 minutes to their speech. The most important point is that you continuously communicate how much time you have on the agenda…