Do you need some inspiration to get motivated for Q4? September heralds the start of a new school year, and perhaps it is for that reason that it always feels like a great time to get motivated to finish the year off strongly. With…
covid 19
7 Secrets of Success in Times of Change
In a recent article published on, author Jennifer Liu states that 66% of US organizations have delayed their in-office or hybrid work start dates due to the increase of Delta variant COVID cases. While this seems like just another bump in an already corrugated…
AM I OK on Are you OK day!
By Amanda Gore – CEO of The Joy Project, Communication & Performance Expert It is a wonderful sentiment to be asking others if they are OK- and helping supporting them if we can. At the same time how many of us are asking ‘Am I OK?’! Much like the instructions…
The 6 Secrets of Successful Hybrid Workplaces
September always feels like the start of a new year, with a shift to cooler weather and kids returning to school. This year that feeling feels like it has been multiplied with not only kids returning to their old stomping grounds, but adults too… and often in…
5 Ways to Hold onto Your Employees (P.S. It’s Not What You Think)
By Colette Carlson – Human Behaviour Expert & Communications Speaker There has been a huge shift in the way people are looking at work. I call it “Going from YO-YO to YOLO.” Most people in corporate America lived a resume life. It was the YO-YO. We entered a company…
How to Build Trust in a Digital World
For as long as people have been working together, trust has played a role in who we dealt with, sold to, purchased from, or shook hands with. However, as virtual interactions became the norm over the last year, trust between colleagues, businesses, and individuals took on a different…
Case Study: Team Synergy with Robyn Benincasa
TEAM SYNERGY STUDY: Robyn Benincasa helps an international food services organization encourage their teams to pull together and get back to their ONE TEAM, ONE DREAM motto after the COVID Pandemic lockdown and remote working conditions. The Challenge (The Ask/The Task) The client requested a Speaker who…
Follow this simple 5-step process to transform your luck to become more creative
By Kaihan Krippendorff – Futurist, Strategy and Innovation Expert & Founder of Outthinker Innovation often looks like an uncontrollable force that only strikes upon lucky entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley. However, research has proven that creative ideas are all around us, in all types of organizations. In fact, of …
Wherever You Work, You Must Have This
By Curt Steinhorst – Speaker on Strategic Communications & Digital Distractions Each week, businesses announce their policies and plans to return workers to offices, with no clear consensus. Cisco CEO Chuck Robbins said people are tired of working from home and want to get back to work, but …
Generation Covid And The Future
By Cheryl Cran – Author and Speaker on Leadership & Future of Change in the Workplace Generation Covid and the future…… There is a new generation in town – its Generation Covid also known as Gen C. which includes young people under the age of twenty. You may be…