By Michelle Ray – Change, Communication and Leadership Speaker Are you are leader who is comfortable taking risks, making decisions and keeping your ego in check? Great leaders possess the ability to harness these attributes at the appropriate time. Of course, not all decisions have equal weight or quality.
leadership speaker
Take the Team Seriously, But Don’t Take Yourself Too Seriously
By Dan Coughlin – Author and Inspiring, Practical Speaker on Leading for Sustainable, Profitable Growth Teamwork is critically important to improving results for a group or an organization. Teamwork happens when the people in the group or organization consciously and proactively work together to support one another’s…
The Key to Building a Successful Remote Organization? Data.
By Mike Walsh | Speaker on the Change, Technology and Innovation The Covid-19 crisis forced many businesses to suddenly adapt to having an entirely remote workforce. And once we all got past the novel challenges of family interruptions, #funnycatvideos, and virtual etiquette, a more complex problem raised…
13 Habits of Mentally Tough People
By Brent Gleeson – – Navy Seal Combat Veteran & Motivational Leadership Speaker “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” – Thomas Edison Mental toughness is paramount for achieving any lofty goal or overcoming extreme hurdles. Few great things in this world come without a…
Look to the Future for Help Working Through what Bothers You
By Josh Linkner, Tech Entrepreneur, CEO, and Best-Selling Author In stressful times, it’s easy to get derailed by matters that might be viewed as trivial under ordinary circumstances. A colleague shows up late to a Zoom call, the client changes her mind mid-stream, the boss unleashes an unnecessary…
Agility & Anticipation – A Vital Partnership
By Daniel Burrus, Futurist Expert and Speaker on Business Strategy, Technology, Innovations & Their Impact While exponential change is always moving, businesses and even whole industries traditionally move slower than they should, often finding themselves disrupted and working hard at being agile alone. During the Coronavirus pandemic,…
How To Go To Bed Tonight Feeling Happier (and Feeling Richer)
By Mark Thompson Seeing Steve Jobs‘s life slip away was breathtaking, but the lessons offered can be life changing. It struck me as strange that I’d never seen him happier more often than in his last decade, which arguably was his hardest health-wise and yet…