You need a leadership makeover if you’re just focused on getting things done. Here’s how to do itBy Mark C. Crowley – Leadership and Management AuthorA recent McKinsey study on the Great Resignation arrived at a stunning conclusion: Despite the fact that millions…
Watching “Ted Lasso” Can Make You A Better Manager
By John Baldoni – Internationally Recognized Leadership Expert, Speaker and AuthorSay you land a job about which you know little, in a field you know even less about, and in a country different from your own. If you do, you will be emulating the premise of …
4 Geopolitical Trends Businesses Need to Watch Now
The Economist has described the global economic recovery as “fast, furious – and fragile.” (Economist, July 10-16th, 2021). The author notes that while the economy is booming in the United States, the boom could be more precarious than it appears. With this in mind, we asked our Geopolitical…
The Secret to Customer Experience
Our Best Speakers share the secret to Customer Experience in 2021. The pandemic has changed the way we do so many things, but has it changed the fundamentals of something like customer experience? Like many of our clients, we were curious to find out, so…
Is the Great Resignation a Reality?
By Ryan Estis – Speaks on Business Performance, Leadership and Sales “We are coming back this fall. It will be voluntary at first. By the end of the year, I do anticipate a full return to the office. However, we are going to have to bake in a…
5 Ways to Help Your Team to Thrive Through Change
“The only thing constant is change.” – Heraclitus, 6th centure BCE The last year has shown us that while change is a constant, our ability to manage change moves at a much slower rate. Why is this and what can we do about it? Can we…
5 Ways to be a Great Leader in 2021
The last year has turned business upside down and many leaders have been left scratching their heads about how to lead remote teams that may be feeling overwhelmed, exhausted or just pain frustrated by events around the world and those much closer to home – think closed…
How to Deal With an Obnoxious Know-It-All
By Dianna Booher – Communication and Productivity Speaker How to manage an obnoxious employee or vendor? Glad you asked—and I know you’re “asking for a friend” because no one wants to admit they’ve hired such a jerk. You may ask, Aren’t all Know-It-Alls obnoxious? Although…
5 Lessons Leaders Say They Are Taking Away From 2020
By Adrian Gostick – Speaker on Leadership, Anxiety in the Workplace and Employee Engagement I received a holiday card this year that summed up 2020 perfectly. It read: “Well, that was weird.” For businesses, 2020 has indeed been like nothing we’d experienced before. We saw pandemic-related closures, a…
A Lesson From 2020: Get Simple Before You Get Strategic
By Lisa Bodell – Global Leader on Culture Change Focused on Simplification and Innovation If your strategic plan for 2020 was scrapped in Q1, you’re in good company. Beyond the new best practice of adding contingency plans for a global pandemic, this year offers a rare opportunity to…