Greg Lindsay


  • Greg talks about how cities‐as‐a‐service are changing how we live, work, move, and more – and the new real estate, services, and business model opportunities this creates.
  • Audiences leave with an understanding of how to recognize the changes technology and innovation have brought to urban environments and how to leverage the opportunities these disruptions have created.
  • Greg Lindsay is a journalist, urbanist, futurist, and speaker, director of applied research at NewCities and director of strategy at its mobility offshoot CoMotion. He is also a non-resident senior fellow of the Atlantic Council’s Foresight, Strategy, and Risks Initiative, a visiting scholar at New York University’s Rudin Center for Transportation Policy & Management, and co-author of Aerotropolis: The Way We’ll Live Next.
  • Past clients include: Intel, Samsung, Starbucks, Audi, Chrysler, Hyundai, Tishman Speyer, British Land, André Balazs Properties, Emaar, and Expo 2020.

About Greg Lindsay - Journalist, Speaker and Expert on the Future of Travel, Technology & Urbanism:

Greg Lindsay is a non-resident senior fellow of MIT’s Future Urban Collectives Lab, Ari­zo­na State University’s Threat­cast­ing Lab, and the Atlan­tic Council’s Scow­croft Stra­te­gy Ini­tia­tive. He was the foun­ding chief com­mu­nica­tions offi­cer of AlphaGeo and remains a senior advi­sor. Most re­cen­tly, he was a 2022-2023 urban tech fellow at Cor­nell Tech’s Jacobs Insti­tute, where he ex­plo­­red the impli­cations of AI and aug­men­ted rea­lity at urban scale.

Greg speaks about the future of cities, mobility, tech­no­logy, security, and work, inclu­ding appea­ran­ces at 10 Down­ing Street, the United States Mili­tary Aca­de­my, San­dia Natio­nal Labo­ra­to­ries, Orga­ni­sa­tion for Eco­no­­mic Co-oper­a­tion and Deve­lop­ment, Har­vard Busi­ness School, MIT Media Lab, and Aspen Ideas Festival.

He also speaks to companies (Micro­soft, Deloitte, Gensler, Ford, Star­­bucks), orga­ni­za­tions (U.S. Confe­ren­ce of Mayors, Canada Council for the Arts), mem­ber asso­cia­tions (ULI, NAHB, NAI­OP, SIOR) and uni­ver­sities (Harvard, Yale, Prin­ce­ton, NYU, McGill).

He’s been cited as an expert by The New York Times, The Washing­ton Post, The Wall Street Jour­­­nal, The Guar­dian, USA Today, CNN, NPR, BBC, and CBC Radio.

Greg’s also a part­ner at the advi­sory firm Future­Map, and has advi­sed Intel, Sam­sung, IKEA, Star­bucks, Audi, Hyun­dai, Tish­man Spe­yer, Brit­ish Land, André Ba­lazs Proper­ties, Aldar, Emaar, and Expo 2020, along with nume­rous G20 govern­­ment entities. Pre­viously, he was urbanist-in-resi­den­ce at BMW MINI’s urban tech acce­le­ra­tor, URBAN-­X, as well as direc­tor of applied re­search at New­Cities and foun­ding direc­tor of stra­te­gy at its mobi­lity-focused off­shoot, Co­Motion.

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What Greg Lindsay Talks About:

The Way We’ll Live Next
OFFICES ARE EMPTY. Downtowns are dead. The sub­urbs are Millen­nials’ futu­re. At least two of these truisms are wrong, but why? Em­ployees may be grud­gingly re­tur­ning to the office, but work-from-any­where is here to stay. That doesn’t mean the end of the work week, but new ways and pat­terns of living and working toge­ther closer to home, with more flexi­ble real estate and employ­ment to match. That, in turn, means rethin­king who and what cities are for.

Forget down­towns versus their sub­urbs; how can we ima­gi­ne new uses for old high-rises and new districts to re­place dead malls? Because behind the scenes, infla­tion and tech­no­logy is tur­ning retail, gro­ce­ries, and dining inside-out through data, deli­very, and auto­ma­tion. And above all looms the threat of climate change and the oppor­tu­nities of AI and spatial com­pu­ting to trans­form the Inter­net — and the world — as we know it.

Drawing on his research and foresight work for Cornell Tech, Climate Alpha, and MIT’s Future Urban Collec­tives Lab, Greg Lindsay ex­plo­res the urban and real estate im­pli­ca­tions of our never-normal land­scape and ex­plains why the futu­re will be less remote and more human than you might think.

Autonomous Everything
THE ROBOTS ARE COMING – not to steal your job, but to invent enti­rely new ones. Recent advances in arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence such as Open­AI’s Chat­GPT cou­pled with auto­ma­tion point toward an increa­singly auto­no­mous world in which agen­cy and per­so­na­lity is em­bed­ded in thin­king ma­­chi­nes. Auto­no­my will not only trans­form how and why we work, but also how we think, discover, decide, and even decei­ve our­selves.

What we imagine and produce will take stran­ge new twists and turns as AI increa­singly predict, suggest and convin­ce us do it. In this wide-ranging and eye-opening talk on the promise and perils of AI, Greg Lindsay explores how autonomy is already upen­ding society, and what we can learn from organiza­tions such as NATO, the U.S. mili­tary, and the Secret Ser­vice about what to do about it.

Where Will You Live in 2050?
NEARLY HALF OF AMERICANS were vic­tims of a climate disas­ter last year – whether fire, floods, heat waves or hurri­canes – with insu­ra­ble losses of more than $100 billion. As people wake up to the realities of clima­te chan­ge – and the grow­ing threat to their homes, live­li­hoods, and families – many are asking, “Where should I live some­day?”

Fortu­na­tely, we have answers.

Com­bi­ning cli­mate scien­ce with demo­gra­phics and using arti­ficial intel­li­­gence, we can predict to­mor­row’s more resi­lient re­gions. Clima­te chan­­ge isn’t just a story about moun­ting catas­tro­phes, but also oppor­­tunity – if we har­ness the right tech­no­logies, poli­cies, and political will to build back better else­where. Drawing on his work with the startup Climate Alpha, Greg Lindsay offers cutting edge analy­sis and maps to explain why and where a warm­­ing world may still have shelter for us all.

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Greg was a smooth, polished, and beguiling speaker, alternately informing, challenging and making his audiences laugh!


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