What Haiyan Wang Talks About:
Global Megatrends and Game Changers
Haiyan Wang outlines the biggest global trends and game changers of the next decade and what they mean to you. By 2025, emerging economies like China and India will grow from 1/3 of the global GDP to about half. China will have caught up to the U.S. in terms of economy, and India, will be the third-largest in the world. This growth will not always be even, though, or evenly distributed. Haiyan Wang looks at the coming two-speed economy and outlines the factors that will shape global business and the world – diverging demographics, stressed natural resources, and empowered individuals. In a multi-polar business world, what are the ramifications for multinational organizations? Who thrives in this new environment? Based on solid data and rich examples, Wang shares insights on the business world in 2025 and helps audiences navigate – and succeed in – the shifts ahead.
Emerging Economies, Diverging Futures
Since early 2013, the bloom has fallen off the emerging markets. These developments raise one of the most important questions facing every enterprise and every investor – Is the emerging market story over? In this talk, Haiyan Wang addresses this question head-on. Her central message is that the days of emerging markets moving up in tandem are indeed over. China is unlikely to remain the driver of a worldwide commodity boom. Similarly, the U.S. is unlikely to remain the font of easy money for much of the world. From here on, only those emerging markets that are able to undertake much needed internal reforms (stable governments, investment in infrastructure and education, and institutions that are efficient as well as responsive to citizens’ needs) can hope to thrive. Others run a serious risk of being trapped at their current low- or middle-income status for a very long time. Haiyan also shares her analysis of which countries appear to be better bets than others and what these developments mean for companies and investors.
Asia’s Rise and it’s Implications
Asia’s rise will be one of the defining game changers for the global economy in the 21st century. Asia today accounts for about a third of the world’s GDP as compared with about a quarter each for North America and Europe. Since Asia continues to grow faster than each of the other two continents, it is almost certain that, by 2025, Asia’s GDP will be larger than that of the US and Europe combined. Further, Asia’s impact on the global economy is multidimensional – as a mega-market, as the world’s factory, as a rising hub for global R&D, as a source of capital, and as the springboard for the rise of new global champions. Asia is also becoming more “Asian” in that intra-Asia trade is growing faster than Asia’s trade with the rest of the world. This talk will examine the forces propelling Asia’s rise and discuss a number of related questions.
Global Enterprise
The structure and dynamics of the global economy are changing rapidly. Despite the ups and downs in individual economies, emerging markets as a group continue to grow at three times the pace of developed markets; by 2025, they will account for over half of the world’s GDP. The diffusion of mobile broadband to every corner of the earth continues to make cross-border collaboration easier, cheaper, and more ubiquitous. And, the technology revolution continues unabated – electric and/or autonomous cars, wearable computing, genetic engineering, shale oil and gas, human-scale robots, etc. Given these developments, what must today’s corporations do to emerge or remain as the global leaders in their industries ten years from now? The answer lies in: rethinking global strategy, global innovation, global organization, and globalizing the corporate mindset.
Getting China and India Right
Business leaders of far too many companies see still China and India from the lens of off-shoring and cost reduction and limit their marketing to the top 5-10 percent of the richest consumers. Over the next 5-10 years, such short-sightedness will likely prove to be a fatal mistake. Based on solid data and rich examples, we point out that China and India are the only two countries in the world that simultaneously constitute four game-changing realities: mega-markets for almost every product and service, platforms to dramatically reduce a company’s global cost structure, platforms to significantly boost a company’s global technology and innovation base, and springboards for the emergence of new fearsome global competitors. This talk will outline how companies can leverage the market and the resource opportunities presented by the China and India phenomenon to achieve global dominance within their particular industries.
Cultivating A Global Mindset
Faced with a rapidly changing global landscape, many people continue to rely on their old lenses to make sense of the world around them. The winning global leaders, whether individuals or companies, will be the ones with a global mindset who truly grasp the unprecedented transformation of the global economy, and possess the capabilities to sense, filter, and integrate diverse opportunities on a global scale ahead of the pack.
Haiyan Wang will offer concrete guidelines that individuals and companies can use to develop a global mindset, which requires not only an openness to and knowledge of diversity across cultures and markets, but also the ability to integrate across this diversity.
Dragons and Tigers on the Global Stage: What It Means to You
As illustrated by companies such as India’s Tata Motors and Infosys, China’s Huawei Technologies and Haier Group, Brazil’s Embraer, and Mexico’s Cemex, this is the era of the emerging market multinational. In 1995, there were only 5 companies from China and India in the Fortune Global 500 list. In 2009, the number was 44. By 2020, it could grow to 150. Given the scale and growth rates of emerging economies coupled with access to global capital and global talent, it has now become much easier for an ambitious company from an emerging conomy to become a global powerhouse and compete head-on with established giants such as Nissan, IBM, Cisco, and the like. This talk will focus on the forces that are propelling the rise of the emerging market multinational, the opportunities and challenges they face, the relative strengths and weaknesses of the Chinese dragons versus the Indian tigers, and how established companies from developed economies can compete effectively with these challengers.
How China Sees The World – And What It Means to You
China is everywhere – in the daily papers you read, in the products you purchase. Some see China as mega opportunities to pursue for business and personal growth. Some fear the threats. To date, most portraits of China are provided by westerners and run a serious risk of being superficial or even wrong.
As in a chess game, who wins or loses depends not just on how good you are, but crucially also on how well you understand your counterpart. Whether you are selling to, buying from, partnering, or competing with China, understanding how China sees the world including itself will make you smarter in your dealings with the Chinese.
Haiyan Wang presents an insider’s perspective on how people from various social layers of China – political figures, business leaders, professionals, urban laborers, farmers, and youth – see the shifting landscape and their role in it. She will bring alive the hot button issues facing people from different walks of China. It is these hot button issues that matter to government and business decision makers within China as well as outside.