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Determine What Gets In the Way of Mid-Level Performers Becoming Great

C.Brennan PicManagers can be consumed by the mid-level performer; possibly minimizing the time they should be spending with a top performer or the new hire with the prospect of vast potential.

To assist the mid-level performer to become better managers need to:

  • be more effective with balancing their time between performers;
  • know how to “coach-up” the mid-level performer; and
  • reduce the stress and drama associated with the mid–level performer without implication.

Most mid-level performers are unable to anticipate their customers or colleagues responses, comments and reactions. As a result of this, their performance suffers. Most remarks are predictable and expected. The mid-level performer does not foresee these responses or pre-determine how they will reply.

Mid-level performers need to improve their ability to:

  • anticipate a person’s opening comments and respond with an effective and manageable answer to minimize the possibility of rambling;
  • engage a person at a higher level of relevant conversation to create meaningful dialogue;
  • manage a difficult conversation in a positive direction;
  • minimize their word count and maximize their customers or colleagues; and
  • conduct a series of conversations that are more productive and insightful.

Top performers demonstrate the ability of “always knowing what to say next!” In addition, they do not display hesitation or confusion during their conversations.

Knowing how to effectively open and control a conversation, engage in meaningful dialogue and how to achieve a pre-determined goal at the end of the conversation is what separates the mid-level performer from the top.

About Charles Brennan Jr. – Author and Speaker on Advance Sales Training:

716iw9Z-t8L._SL1500_Identified as one of the best trainers in the country and author of McGraw Hill’s Take Your Sales To The Next Level, American Management Association’s best selling paperback book Sales Questions that Close the Sale and award winning book, Proactive Customer Service, Charlie Brennan brings a unique blend of innovative skills and real world application to his presentations. His core competencies are focused on advancing interaction, dialogue and accelerating decisions.

His techniques have been featured in many leading publications and called a breakthrough approach in sales development. He is a veteran of over 2,500 presentations. His concepts are the primary training format for many Fortune 500 to mid-sized companies. His knowledge of adult learning enables him to conduct interactive, challenging and memorable presentations.

For more information on Charles Brennan Jr., please visit: The Sweeney Agency