Alvin Law
About Alvin Law - Inspirational Speaker on Overcoming Adversity:
An international keynote speaker Alvin Law tells stories about growing up without arms, learning to use his feet for hands, demonstrating that resilience is born from struggle, not from a pain-free existence. He believes that no matter what you’re up against, you can still live a life filled with gratitude and hope.
Law’s uniquely customized presentations are designed to empower organizations and their people to turn obstacles into possibilities. To remind everyone that success begins with people, their strengths and weaknesses, and how together, we can accomplish anything. This unforgettable, life changing experience will reawaken your belief in yourself and others.
In addition to being a professional speaker, Law is a trained broadcaster, fundraiser, award-winning musician and bestselling author. He has earned the designation of Certified Speaking Professional (CSP). In 2018, he was inducted into The Canadian Disability Hall of Fame welcomed him for his significant role in advocacy for people with special needs.
Law has appeared on countless telethons and media features, and has been the subject of two award-winning television documentaries. Since 1976 Alvin has played a direct role in raising over $200 million dollars for charity.
What Alvin Law Talks About:
Step into Your Greatness
Be inspired. Push through obstacles. Create more possibilities
Every single person walks around with an invisible label stuck to their forehead. It’s like one of those nametags you get at awkward networking events. Except that these labels don’t tell people your name. Instead, they describe your limitations. As a guy without any arms, Alvin has worn a lot of labels in his life. “Disabled.” “Victim.” “Freak.” Good and bad, he has heard them all.
All these labels were given to him by other people. People who sized him up and figured him out without asking him a single question. People who knew exactly what he could do and, more importantly, what he couldn’t.
Most of us live up to these labels. We accept what other people say about us as gospel truth. “Well, I guess I’ll never [fill in the blank],” we sigh, choosing to be restrained by these limitations.
But he believe that it doesn’t have to be that way. He believe that we can change those labels.
In this customized presentation, he will inspire you and your team to stop focusing on what’s missing and start seeing all the possibilities that are within your reach. Yes, he’ll be entertaining. Yes, he’ll also be encouraging. However, don’t be fooled: he is here to challenge you and your team to rip off those old labels. Because you have the power to create a new future and
overcome any obstacle that stands in your way.
Are you ready to take that first step into your greatness?
Here are your takeaways:
- Discover how to embrace an attitude of possibility and “yes, I can!”
- Accept the gift of learning by asking more questions and actually listening to the answers
- Start looking for the value in every person and every circumstance that you encounter
- Feed your imagination so you can unlock the power of your potential
- Commit to never giving up on yourself and your teammates
Recent Publications
After a discussion about our campaign’s theme, Alvin delivered an engaging tailored presentation that helped encompass our theme through the power of storytelling! Alvin’s online presence was electric and folks learned more about both Alvin, and the importance of diversity, equity and inclusion at Shopify, and also outside of Shopify!