12 Inspiring Leadership Quotes You can Use Today
Sometimes all the motivation you need to successfully lead your team can be found in a few simple words of wisdom. Here are some inspiring quotes from our top speakers:
1. Mike Abrashoff | Former Commander, USS Benfold and Author of It’s Your Ship
“Leadership is mostly the art of doing simple things very well.”
2. Anthony “AB” Bourke | Fighter Pilot and Business Leadership and Teamwork Speaker
“In order to have your employees “take the lead” you must be willing to give them the lead. Great leaders lead from the front, the rear and the side.”
3. Captain Larry Brudnicki | Former Coast Guard Captain and Speaker on Leadership and Decision-Making
“You can’t eliminate risk but you can manage it; that won’t guarantee success, but it will give you the confidence to go forward.”
4. Ram Charan | Business Advisor and Best-Selling Author on Business Management
“Most leaders fail by not knowing what their employees’ real raw talents are; they should invest most time to finding out and developing a person’s god-given gifts.”
5. Lee Cockerell | Former Operations VP for Walt Disney World Resort
“Role modeling is by far the best teacher… and you are being watched every second of the day.”
6. Mark C. Crowley | Leadership Speaker and Author of Lead from the Heart
“If you truly believe in what you are doing, burn your escape route and trust all the pieces will inevitably fall into place. The support you need will find you.”
7. Dr. Jackie Freiberg | Bestselling Business Author, Keynote Speaker on Innovation, Leadership, and the SheEconomy
“When you sell WHY you do what you do, you are inviting people to join a movement that gives them an opportunity to express themselves.”
8. Libby Gill | Leadership and Employee Engagement Speaker, Brand Strategist and Author
“Capture the Mindshare – that is, the heads, hearts and loyalty of others – and the market share will follow.”
9. Steve Gilliland | Motivational Speaker and Author on Teamwork and Leadership
“Purpose is the drive. Passion is the fuel. Pride is the definition of who you are.”
10. Polly LaBarre | Speaks about Innovation, Leadership and Managment
“The foundation of all successful collaboration is something very human – trust. More and more organisations are waking up to the power of openness and transparency. The ideology of control – controlling people, controlling information, controlling deviations from the norm – all of that stops collaboration in its tracks.”
11. Seth Mattison | Expert on Millenials in the Workplace
“If you want your people to offer ideas and take a risk, then it’s vital to praise efforts, not just results… Praising a well-intentioned failure might pave the way for the next success.”
12. Marilyn Tam | Author and Speaker on Leadership, Productivity, and Diversity
“If you’re making no mistakes you’re not taking any risks. If you make little mistakes you’re not paying attention. If you make a big mistake you’re stepping out and you’ll have a contingency plan.”
*Speakers are listed in alphabetical order