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6 Ideas to Increase Your Productivity at Work and Home


Peter Bregman | Leadership and Personal Growth Author
“Optimize your morning routine: How do you start the day? I have been experimenting with my own morning routine the last several months. My shift has included waking up 60 minutes earlier. (I also get to bed earlier so I don’t sacrifice sleep). I meditate for 15 to 20 minutes, including practicing gratitude and setting my intention for the day. This is also the perfect time to review and reflect on the commitments you’ve made and why they are important. I try and eat a healthy breakfast and do a little learning before I get into the in-box. For a little inspiration check out the morning routines of these 12 successful leaders. You’ll notice a common thread — consistency!”

Maddy DychtwaldDemographics, Gender and Marketing Speaker
“In my most recent Wall Street Journal piece, I talked about control and how we all have far more than we think in terms of how we age, how we feel, and even our levels of productivity. Our lifestyle and behaviors can make all the difference. We all know we need to stay physically active and eat real food, but staying socially connected and keeping your mind active can make you more productive as well as happier, more energetic, and even more youthful.”

Ryan Estis | Speaks on Business Performance, Leadership and Sales
“Never stop learning. I will admit to being a creature of habit. I love routine and repetition. When we live in our own comfort zone too long, it’s easy to start feeling a little stuck. I’ve been there and for a short period of time I arrived there again in 2014. This time around, I made it my mission to get back into the groove as quickly as possible. How? By renewing my commitment to learning. Reading. Writing. Coaching. Revamping my morning routine. Trying something new. To keep making progress, you have to keep learning. That applies to business and life. When you embrace continuous learning and make it part of your DNA, it’s a whole lot easier to catch the next wave of opportunity.”

Adrian Gostick | Management and Employee Engagement Author
“After surveying more than 850,000 people over the past decade, we have come to understand that the way to grow a business is not through a unique strategy or even your differentiatted product set, but through execution—which means engaging, enabling and energizing your workforce. For many leaders the soft stuff is the hard stuff, but there is a pay off to developing a robust, nurturing culture. Our research shows organizations that are effective at these three Es are up to three times more profitable than their peers.”

Scott McKain | Dynamic Speaker on Sales and Customer Service
“CLARITY is one of my “Four Cornerstones of Distinction” — and it is a critical factor in enhancing productivity, as well. If you aren’t absolutely precise about the direction and appropriate end result of your actions, it’s impossible to be as productive in your efforts as you desire.”

Marilyn Tam | Author and Speaker on Leadership, Productivity, and Diversity
“Productivity and creativity are directly linked to the one’s wellbeing. in 2013 in the USA alone, $550 billion in productivity was lost due to lack of wellbeing and unhappiness according to Gallup Research. How an organization/person manages the five factors that influence happiness and wellbeing determine their productivity, creativity and longevity.”

*Speakers are listed in alphabetical order.