About Ian AltmanBusiness leaders call on Ian Altman to accelerate revenue growth with integrity. Organizations around the world have relied on Altman’s guidance and inspiration to double their business growth with an integrity-based approach from his new best-selling book, Same Side Selling. He is considered an expert on how to stand out…
The #1 Psychological Leadership Hack
About Connie PodestaConnie Podesta is a game-changing, idea-generating ball of fire whose rare blend of humour, substance, style and personality have made her one of the most memorable, in-demand speakers in the world today. Topics on sales, leadership, change, life balance and success. And (what we all probably could use…
Use These 7 Ways to Empower a Culture of Learning
About Dr. Britt AndreattaDr. Britt Andreatta is an internationally recognized thought leader in leadership and learning. Drawing on her unique background in leadership, neuroscience, psychology, education, and the human sciences, she has a profound understanding of how to unlock the best in people, helping organizations rise to their potential. As the…
7 Questions Leaders Should Ask Themselves
About John MattoneJohn Mattone is widely acknowledged as one the world’s leading authorities on leadership, talent and culture. He advises Fortune 1000 CEO’s and senior leadership teams on how to create and sustain a leadership and talent culture that drives superior operating results. Generally, leaders are supposed to be the…
The 3 Secret E’s of Great Conversation
About Ty BennettTy Bennett is the founder of Leadership Inc., a speaking and training company with a mission to improve communications and empower individuals and organizations to challenge their status quo, cultivate exceptional relationships, and compete in extraordinary ways. He has worked with over 500 leaders, in over 37 countries, to help them…
Ask 3 Questions to Avoid Sending Mixed Messages
About Jason BargerJason V. Barger is a globally celebrated keynote speaker, leadership coach and author of Thermostat Cultures, Step Back from the Baggage Claim and ReMember. He is founder of Step Back Leadership Consulting, a Columbus-based company that works with businesses and organizations worldwide. Have you ever driven down the…
13 Ways We Justify, Rationalize, or Ignore Negative Feedback
About Peter Bregman:Peter Bregman is CEO of Bregman Partners, Inc., a firm which advises, coaches, and develops leaders at all levels to take powerful and ambitious actions to achieve the things that are most important to them and their organizations. His most recent book is Four Seconds: All the Time You Need to…
5 Scientifically Proven Ways to Be Happier at Work
About Nataly Kogan Nataly Kogan, a successful entrepreneur and venture capitalist, found that after reaching the highest levels of corporate America, she still wasn’t happy. Nataly came to the United States as a refugee from Russia when she was 13 and overcame significant obstacles on her way to achieving…
5 Ways to Bring Your Whole Self to Work
About Mike RobbinsAs an expert in teamwork, leadership, and emotional intelligence, Mike Robbins delivers keynotes and seminars that empower people, teams, and organizations to work together effectively and be more successful. He has inspired tens of thousands of people around the world to reach new levels of awareness and…
Two Factors That Drive Global Engagement
About Marcus BuckinghamIn a workplace ruled by efficiency and competency, where do personal strengths fit in? Marcus Buckingham has dedicated his career to addressing this complex issue. Using his nearly two decades of experience as a Senior Researcher at Gallup Organization, he has challenged entrenched preconceptions about achievement to…