About Keith FerrazziKeith Ferrazzi is a charismatic and inspiring speaker, and also a renowned thought leader on changemanagement and behavior engineering, and is in constant demand as a coach to C-Suite executives at some of the world’s largest organizations. Keith works toward inspiring teams to jump start organizational change.The role of…
4 Surprising Trends Impacting The Future of Work
About Cheryl CranRecognized as the #1 Future of Work influencer by Onalytica, Cheryl is an author of 7 books including NextMapping™ — How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Create the Future of Work. Her future of work thought leadership has been featured in publications such as Huff Post, Forbes, IABC…
How to Build a Strong Company Culture by Tim Sanders
About Tim SandersInternet pioneer and best-selling author, Tim Sanders advises Fortune 500 executives on leadership, marketing, communication, and new media strategies to grow their business. He was an early stage member of Mark Cuban’s broadcast.com. In 1999, broadcast.com was acquired by Yahoo, taking Tim with it, where he rose to the position of Chief Solutions Officer and…
Why Leaders Don’t Recognize by Chester Elton
About Chester Elton – #1 Bestselling Business Author & Expert on Organizational Culture One of today’s most influential voices in workplace trends, Chester Elton has spent two decades helping clients engage their employees to execute on strategy, vision, and values. In his provocative, inspiring and always entertaining talks, #1 bestselling leadership author Chester Elton…
6 Minutes of Great Leadership Advice to Change Your Day
Become a better Leader right now by taking just 6 minutes and 48 seconds to watch these 3 great Speakers on Leadership. Listen to their inspiring Ideas and use them at work. About These Speakers: Patrick Lencioni | Bestselling Author of The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, Renowned Leadership…
Are you Engaged Or Supporting at Work? by Waldo Waldman
Situational awareness (SA) means having a 360 degree picture of your environment and can increase your ability to adapt to change and improve your chances of success. The key to building SA is teamwork, and a critical component of teamwork is understanding one’s roles and responsibilities in every engagement. In…
What’s Dragging Down Team Performance? Tips from Mike Abrashoff
A work environment teeming with bureaucracy, trivial work tasks, and inefficient leaders chokes enthusiasm and builds impenetrable barriers to success. It’s your job to make sure these barriers to great ideas are torn down. You must establish trust and create the ideal climate so your people can do their best…
4 Great Books on Communications Everyone Should Read
We have been reviewing and researching speakers on communication for 18 years and have seen some incredibly insightful presentations. Based on client feedback, here are 4 of the best books on communications by 4 great speakers. Kindra Hall – Author, Speaker, and Communication Expert Kindra Hall knows the challenges executives, top performers and brands experience as…
Decisions: How To Manage Grey Space by Ross Shafer
Your life will be judged by the thousands of decisions you have made. Some decisions will be as easy. Some will be hard. Others live in what is called GREY SPACE. Come back in five seconds and I’ll explain how to manage the GREY SPACE. RLC . Ross Shafer here…
Top 10 Speakers on the Trends Shaping the Retail Industry
There was a time when the Retail Industry was all about location, location, location. Now Retail is under attack and it’s all about, transforming, growing, changing, inspiring, innovating and heading in a totally different direction. Understanding the forces and trends that are shaping the whole industry is key to any…