Every month, Clients tweet, post, blog, email and even call us about different Speakers they are considering for upcoming events. They ask questions, view videos, read testimonials and in some cases ask to do a call with a Speaker, something we are delighted to arrange. Based on all that activity, here…
10 Great Books Every Leader Should Read
“Leadership & learning are indispensable to one another.” -President John F. Kennedy Great Leaders read and share great books on Leadership. Here are our 10 favourite Leadership Books of all time: Gary Hamel | Author of…
10 Highest Rated Speakers of June 2018
The results are in. Each month, companies come to us asking for Speaker ideas on a variety of topics to help inspire, educate, and inform their audiences. We do the research and deliver specific Speaker suggestions that our clients can choose from. Based on their response, here are our highest rated…
Top 10 Speakers on the Trends Shaping the Technology Industry
Here are the Top 10 Speakers including Mick Ebeling and Chris Barton on the Trends Shaping the Technology Industry.
Top 5 Speakers on the Future
Back in 2010 The Future was our 9th most requested topic, now in 2017, its number 3. Before, the future was something people contemplated in the distance, now it’s a force knocking at the front door. Businesses that inspire, motivate and educate their people on the future, and what they can…
The Top 10 Speakers on Growth
Clients are asking us for Speakers who can talk about Growth. There are various ways to approach the topic from innovating new ideas, to understanding the future, to rethinking your customer service. In the 15 years we have been researching Speakers we have probably reviewed close to 500 on the subject of…
10 Highest Rated Speakers on Sales
Clients regularly ask us for Speakers that can deliver presentations to inspire and educate their Sales teams. Speakers who can share new skills, ideas and strategies that can motivate sales people to take their game to the next level. Based on our research and client feedback, here are our highest rated speakers…
10 Most Requested Speaker Topics Clients are Asking for as of August 2016
Each month clients call us looking for Speakers who can deliver inspiring presentations on a variety of different topics at their events. Here, as of August 2016, are the 10 most requested topics. Becoming a Better Leader Geopolitical Trends Businesses Need to Watch Inspiring Innovation Economic Update How IT will…
7 Top Speakers on Making an Impact at Work
Clients regularly ask us for Speakers that will inspire or motivate their people to be more productive and have a greater impact at Work. People who make a greater impact at work tend to get noticed and promoted. But having a greater impact means different things to different people.
12 Highest Rated Speakers of May 2018
The results are in. Each month, companies come to us asking for Speaker ideas on a variety of topics to help inspire, educate, and inform their audiences. We do the research and deliver specific Speaker suggestions that our clients can choose from. Based on their response, here are our highest rated…